A: All birds will need to have toe nails done. It is best for them to get used to doing it once a month just taking off a small amount off the tip. You should have a quick stop (available at dog pet shops) use it sparingly and making sure not to get in near their mouth or eyes. You should towel your baby so as to prevent injury from the baby pulling away where you could cut off too much or break a toe. Remember these little ones are small and difficult to hold if you do not have them in a towel where you can gently wrap them up and prevent them for flailing their wings. I do not use electric dremel tools on birds they are small and the sensation I feel is far too strong for a little bird.
I do not use sanded perches it would be like you putting sand paper inside you shoes it causes blisters and calicus. I saw so much of this in the 70 and 80s when this product was in its prime.
Thank you! I bought a pair of bird nail trimming scissors with a guard on them so I will towel KOKO and gently try them. He will for sure give me the silent treatment for days over this,lol
awesome call me if you need any more help