Please note that this list is not a complete list of plants etc that are safe or unsafe. If in doubt contact your local vet or seek out assistance with your local college. Non-toxic for birds list and things that are toxic for birds. Non-toxic for birds list of safe wood for birds, trees, household items and plants not safe for birds. Safe and Toxic fruits and veggies for parrots. These lists are from and other sources. Please check with your avian vet if in doubt. Please visit Mr. Vaden’s website and contact him if you have a question about any woods on this list. Remember that any chemicals that are sprayed on trees are toxic and may kill your bird. Non-Toxic Wood for Birds The following materials are not safe if toxic chemicals or insecticides have been sprayed on them. Before installing…
Ask Meg
Safe and Dangerous Woods I would like to thank Pat Zaccardi of Feathers & Fun, and she would like to express her appreciation to all of the folks on the following Onelist Groups (Now EGroups): Cockatoos, Conures, and Conurepics. SAFE & UNSAFE WOOD FOR BIRDS (updated 10-24-00) Wash all wood in a bleach solution, rinse then for small branches bake in oven at 250 for about 1 hour and for large branches wash, rinse and dry in direct sun. SAFE Acacia, Alder, Almond, Apple, Apricot (*see note below), Arbutus, Ash, Aspen, Bamboo, Beech, Birch, Bois d’arc (*see note below), Bottle Brush, Cherry (*see note below), Citrus, Cork Oak (*see note below), Cottonwood, Crabapple, Dogwood, Elm, Eucalyptus (*see note below), Fig Species, Fir, Fruitless Mulberry, Ginkgo, Grape Vines, Grape Palm, Guava, Hackberry, Hawthorn, Hazelnut, Hibiscus, Hickory, Horse Apple (*see note below), Ironwood, Larch, Lilac, Liquidamber,…
A: All birds will need to have toe nails done. It is best for them to get used to doing it once a month just taking off a small amount off the tip. You should have a quick stop (available at dog pet shops) use it sparingly and making sure not to get in near their mouth or eyes. You should towel your baby so as to prevent injury from the baby pulling away where you could cut off too much or break a toe. Remember these little ones are small and difficult to hold if you do not have them in a towel where you can gently wrap them up and prevent them for flailing their wings. I do not use electric dremel tools on birds they are small and the sensation I feel is far too strong for a little bird. I…
A: Well a lot depends on breed and age of your bird. But for the most part a good natural blend of seed and pellets is the best. Here at Whidbey Birds we use only all natural seeds this has not pesticides in it so you will get seed moths if you do not keep your seed in the frig or freezer. But that is not a big deal and is so much better for your birds. Then a good diet of fruits and veggies every day. If you cannot do fresh do not fret. Even using frozen veggies blends is good just make sure that they are totally unfrozen. Please remember to check our FAQ area on what are the dos and do nots on feeding fruits and veggies not all fruits and veggies are okay. Also check our bird recipe areas frequently…